Don’t let snow linger on your deck this winter.
While we only seem to get a light dusting of snow in December, in January and February, it tends to get worse in Maryland. Although this year’s snows so far haven’t reached those epic proportions, there has still been enough to cause you some trouble. Don’t let snow linger on your deck this winter.
Avoid Metal Shovels
First things first, you should know that metal shovels can do more harm than good. So with that in mind, don’t use them. When you use a metal shovel, it’s all too easy to leave unsightly gouges on your deck. Shovels that use rubber or plastic are a better idea, even if you have doubts about their sturdiness. These other shovels are lighter, meaning they’re easier to lift and move around once weighed down with snow. If your only choice is to use a metal shovel, then you will just have to be even more careful when you’re out shoveling.
Leave some snow behind as insulation. What this does is prevents the edges of the shovel from scratching the deck itself. And when you move around to the next spot, be sure to keep your balance by holding onto the deck railing.
Brooms Help Too
Although it might not seem likely, brooms can be useful, too. You can use a broom to sweep lighter and fluffier snow away from your deck. But although you can knock the snow off, you might not know how to deal with the ice underneath it.
Deal with Ice
It can be tempting to try and break any ice you see. But you shouldn’t do this because you run the risk of damaging the boards on which you’re standing. If your deck is made of wood, you’ll want to be even more cautious when it comes to choosing which countermeasure against ice you want to use. For instance, while salt will work, be sure to wash it all off once the snow melts. Any salt that is left behind can cause erosion on your furnishings.
Don’t Overwork Yourself
Lastly, don’t work too hard. Take frequent breaks to drink enough water, and push the snow around instead of trying to lift it and throw it over the railing and into your backyard.
Get a Brand New Deck This Winter!
Mid-Atlantic Deck & Fence has almost 30 years of experience in building beautiful custom fences, gazebos, screened-in porches, and decks throughout the state of Maryland. We have the expertise to design your dream fence or custom deck and have it installed in a headache-free process. Give us a call at 1-800-833-9310 or visit us online for a quote today! We offer many different styles of fencing and decking in addition to custom options designed specifically to suit your preferences and tastes. To see examples of our work and get more tips on how to choose the right decking for your family, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Houzz, Pinterest, Google+, YouTube, and LinkedIn.
Tags: cleaning your deck, deck, snow