Keep your wood fence protected against one of Maryland’s greatest fiends!
When it comes to your fence, termites can ruin it all. A termite infestation in your home’s wood fence can be brutal. The truth is, protecting your wood fence can be a gamechanger for the health and longevity of your fence. Here are some easy ways you can increase the lifespan of your wooden fence and simultaneously protect your wooden fence from any termites that may find their way into your humble abode.
Properly Treating Your Wooden Fence
One of the biggest lessons any homeowner will learn is that treating your fence can make all the difference in how many termites make their way into the fence itself. Preventing any termites from crawling through your wooden fence is totally doable. One of the best ways to do so is to pre-treat your wooden fence regularly.
Removing Any Nearby Wood
If you have any old wood that is left idle near your wooden fence, you can easily attract unwanted termites into your property. One should promptly remove rotten stumps and other woody debris to protect the health and lifespan of your wooden fence for the long run.
Think About Your Hefty Shrubs
Big bushes and, similarly, hefty shrubs need to be transplanted away from your wooden fence or trimmed. If you have large shrubbery around your wooden fence, you could end up attracting more termites than you ever expected due to the increased humidity it would bring. The more natural wood gathers against your wood fence, the more likely insects and water damage will appear. The best policy is to keep the space between plants and the fence open and airy.
Eliminating Sources Of Any Moisture
As alluded to above, one of the best things you can do to protect your wooden fence from any termites would be to eliminate any sources of moisture from the area. Damp areas and any standing water is also a breeding ground for termites — they love that excess moisture in the air and will make their way to your wooden fence quickly.
Call Mid-Atlantic Deck & Fence For Your New Deck or Fence!
Mid-Atlantic Deck & Fence has almost 30 years of experience in building beautiful custom fences, gazebos, screened-in porches, and decks throughout the state of Maryland. We have the expertise to design your dream fence or custom deck and have it installed in a headache-free process. Give us a call at 1-800-833-9310 or visit us online for a quote today! We offer many different styles of fencing and decking, in addition to custom options designed specifically to suit your preferences and tastes. To see examples of our work and get more tips on how to choose the right decking for your family, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Houzz, Pinterest, YouTube, and LinkedIn.
Tags: fence maintenance, protect wood fence, termites, wood fence