What are the Best Privacy Fences For Party Gatherings?

Do you love hosting summer block parties? Do you enjoy a great deal of privacy?

If yes to both, you need a good privacy fence installed for your home to keep nosy neighbors out and your party guests happy.

Sometimes in an urban setting you cannot have your fence as high as you desire but a privacy fence that has plants along the sides of it may help you block the view over your fence.

Tall plants will not only beautify your backyard but the plants will also enhance your backyard privacy along with your privacy fence.

What types of plants help enhance backyard privacy?

  1. Slow growing plants because the plants are very thick when they mature and help reduce the noise from backyard parties.
  2. Evergreen trees. These trees are great for privacy because the leaves remain on the evergreen trees all year round. Here are just two evergreen trees: Leyland cypress and Thuja occidentalis Emerald Green.
  3. Trailing vines. This is a perfect plant for a wood fence with lattice at the top because the trailing vines can attach to the fence. This will give your home an English cottage feel that party guests can truly appreciate.

Beyond a wood fence, the traditional privacy fence, you have the following options for a great backyard party fence:

  1. The wrought iron fence/aluminum fence. This is a perfect fence for homeowners that appreciate ornamental designs. Not only are wrought iron fences/ aluminum fences affordable but also the fences provide a moderate amount of privacy while keeping fresh air circulating throughout your backyard. Wrought iron fences/ aluminum fences are durable and low maintenance.
  2. Vinyl fences. This fence type can provide you all the great benefits of a wood fence or other privacy fence such as a metal fence. The big benefit is that vinyl fences equal inexpensive. The vinyl fence also has great durability as a low maintenance fence.

Have a look at our lovely wood fences, aluminum fences and vinyl fencing.

Once you have a great backyard fence installed for your party gatherings you can get your outdoor dining area, kitchen, and lounge in order.

If you have any questions or need fence, deck, screen porch, gazebo, or patio installments, contact Mid-Atlantic Deck & Fence (MAD Fence) today by clicking here or calling 1-800-833-9310.

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